See designs from You Can Buy Me, the new music video I co-directed with Erix Zimmerman of Master Cylinder
for LA songstress, elleeven on Hot Sauce Records. Peep the final version in the video section at
The Dethklok gallery shows my props for the death metal cartoon smash, Metalocalypse,
produced at Titmouse Inc, and appearing on Adult Swim. Visit the official myspace site .
My pal, Ariel Martian hired me to draw for her short series, Oogloo + Anju, which also aired on Cartoon Network.
I co-directed the music video, Get Steady for Chicago's Oh My God with another buddy, Talon Nightshade.
3D Map shows texture maps and matte paintings I did for Astropolitan Pictures on the award winning HD music video, So To Speak for DJ? Acucrack. Finally, see how it all starts with a Storyboard or three from varios projects.